Dear Valued Customers, 

In the ever-evolving landscape of the U.S. produce industry, staying informed is key to navigating the market’s complexities. We at C & C Logistics Brokerage, Inc., are dedicated to keeping you ahead of the curve with the latest insights. This week, we delve into the current state of the produce market, marked by unique challenges and opportunities. 

Weather Woes and Their Impact on Produce: 

The recent cold snap, a likely offshoot of El Niño, has significantly impacted the U.S. From consumer eating habits shifting from salads to soups to logistical hurdles in transporting fresh produce, these climatic conditions are reshaping the produce landscape. Understanding these changes is crucial for making informed purchasing decisions. 

Commodity-Specific Updates: 

  1. Cucumbers and Eggplants: With limited supplies in the East and finished seasons in Florida, the market for cucumbers is high. Eggplants are also seeing a spike in market prices due to limited supplies. These trends underscore the importance of timely orders and exploring alternative sources. 
  1. Grapes, Lettuce, and Melons: Demand continues to outpace supply for both green and red grapes. In contrast, lettuce varieties like iceberg, leaf, and romaine maintain a steady market, offering a reliable option for your shelves. Melon lovers, take note – cantaloupe supplies are strong, but honeydews face a scarcity. 
  1. Onions and Peppers: While white onions remain in high demand, red and yellow varieties are readily available, offering diverse options for your needs. The pepper market, however, is experiencing a supply shortage, particularly for red and yellow bell peppers. 
  1. Potatoes and Squash: Russet potatoes remain a stable and quality choice. But for squash enthusiasts, the market is strong due to limited supplies, particularly for yellow and zucchini varieties. 
  1. Tomatoes: Alert status remains for round, Roma, grape, and cherry tomatoes due to low availability. This calls for proactive planning to ensure steady supplies for your business. 

Our Commitment to You: 

At C & C Logistics Brokerage, Inc., we understand that these market fluctuations can be challenging. That’s why we’re committed to providing you with the latest market insights and reliable logistics solutions. Our team is constantly adapting to these changes, ensuring that your produce needs are met with the utmost efficiency and care. 

Stay Informed and Prepared: 

In this dynamic market, staying informed is the key to success. We encourage you to keep in touch with us for the latest updates and to discuss how we can best support your produce needs in these fluctuating times. 

Together, We Grow: 

Your success is our success. By staying informed and working together, we can navigate these market changes and continue to grow. Thank you for choosing C & C Logistics Brokerage, Inc., as your trusted partner in the produce industry.